Running Screenings

Using a combination of tests and video analysis of your running style, our physiotherapists can assess if there are aspects of your natural running style that may contribute to injuries, or could be improved to optimise your running speed and efficiency.

Using a combination of tests and video analysis of your running style, our physiotherapists can assess if there are aspects of your natural running style that may contribute to injuries, or could be improved to optimise your running speed and efficiency.

Want to run better? Faster? More efficiently? Get injured less often?

New to running and nervous about how to start?

Getting confused by all the conflicting advice on blogs and fitness magazines?  

For most of us, no one teaches us how to run.  We assume that it's just easy and natural.  For some lucky people, their natural biomechanics, body shape, balance of muscles and natural style make it easy to be light, bouncy and a "natural runner", but for most of us, there are several things we can work on and improve to make running easier, faster, and less likely to end in injuries.  Just like in any sport, natural ability or fitness will get you some of the way, but training, understanding technique and creating a "game plan" make a huge difference.

As part of a running screening at FLEX, we do some tests, take a little videoclip, explain what we discover, and set you exercises to address the weakness, tightness or technique issues that are slowing you down, or causing you problems.

We can email you a copy of your running videoclip.  Many clients do  both a "before" and "after" videoclip, and are impressed and proud of they improvement they see, as well as how much easier their running feels.

Please wear tight running clothes, and bring your running shoes to your appointment! (If you have an old and new pair, please bring them both along!)

Other screening services at FLEX 

Pilates Screenings

Our physiotherapists are trained to thoroughly assess your posture, areas of stiffness or hypermobility, weakness, movement patterns and compensation strategies.

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GYM Assessment & Intro Session

45mins with Physiotherapist

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Core & Floor Assessments

Using real time ultrasound on your lower tummy, our physios can check how you’re going with core and pelvic floor muscles, and show you how to use them correctly if you’re not sure.

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Dancing Screenings

85% of ballet injuries can be linked to poor technique, so why not screen dancers for potential injury risk, and improve this to not only reduce injury risk, but improve performance?

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Visit the experts at FLEX Health Therapy today

FLEX Health Therapy in Hobart provides exceptional Physiotherapy, including assessment and diagnosis, effective hands on therapy, and targeted exercise rehabilitation, looking after you from top to toe.